
neural circuits. learning. computation.

flexible actions

Behavioral and neural changes underlying skilled motor actions

models of learning

Computations and circuit mechanisms of reinforcement learning

tools + neuroscience

Molecular tools, hardware, and software for systems neuroscience

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New paper

Our first paper on a new paradigm from Laura Grima and collaborators A global dopaminergic learning rate enables adaptive foraging across many options, is now preprinted on biorxiv.

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New paper

A new opinion piece with Jason Keller and our collaborators Gallego & Gmaz Integrating across behaviors and timescales to understand the neural control of movement, is now available at Current Opinion.

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Josh will give a talk on how dopamine facilitates learning from action at an SFN Minisymposium on Saturday, November 11.

SFN Minisymposia Program

New paper

A new paper from Juan Gallego's Lab - Preserved neural population dynamics across animals performaing similar behavior - featuring data from Junchol is now published.

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New paper

Junchol's new preprint - Conjoint specification of action by neocortex and striatum - is now available online.

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New paper

Luke's study Mesolimbic dopamine adapts the rate of learning from action is now published in its final version at Nature.

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New paper

Junchol's new paper, Motor cortical output for skilled forelimb movement is selectively distributed across projection neuron classes, is now available in its final formatted version at Science Advances.

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Luke gave a seminar A role for dopamine in value-free learning as part of Neuromodulation in the brain block of seminars in WWNeuRise.

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We are a collection of scientists with a broad range of backgrounds from biophysics to psychology.

We are part of the Mechanistic Cognitive Neuroscience research area - A multi-lab team of tool-builders, biologists, and theorists.

Our lab has a set of shared values that articulate our commitment to disseminate our work, embrace diversity, and engage through outreach.


Over the past several years we have focused on studying cortico-basal ganglia circuit function in the context of reward seeking behaviors in mice. Previous work has spanned a range of questions from behavioral measures of disease progression in human patients to the structure glutamate receptors.

  View all of our publications
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  biorxiv preprints

Get in touch with us

Our lab spans a wide range of approaches from electrophysiology during behavior to two-photon imaging. We are always on the lookout to work with talented, interested people with diverse skills and backgrounds either as members of the lab or as visiting scientists through the Janelia Visiting Scientists program.

We also keenly interested to help expose students to neuroscience research and help launch research careers through our participation in the Janelia Graduate Program or the Graduate Research Fellowship program. For undergraduates, our lab is a regular participant in the Janelia Undergraduate Scholars program.

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